Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Decorating editor Jeanie Sims loves spending her weekends trolling flea markets and yard sales. Today she offers up some unique ideas for turning someone else’s trash into a one-of-a-kind headboard. -- AP

Thanks, Anastasia! Many of us are hooked on those HGTV and DIY home décor shows, but few of us have the skills to create the projects featured on them. Face it, you have to be a master carpenter to build most of that stuff. How many of you have one a master carpenter stashed away in your home? Most of us are lucky if we have some basic tools lying around for hanging a picture or tightening a cabinet knob, right?

If your bedroom has the blahs, a headboard is a great way to create a focal point in an otherwise unfocused bedroom. But who says a headboard has to be traditional? What about making a headboard out of a section of fence?

If money is no object, you can buy fencing in various styles in wood, polymer, or metal at your local home center. The panels or sections come in various heights and widths, many of which are ideal sizes for headboards. Choose the style and size that works best for your bed. Paint or stain it, and mount it on the wall behind your bed.

On a tight budget? I’ll bet there are people in your neighborhood replacing their fences. You might be able to get a piece in fairly good condition from a neighbor discarding an old fence. With a little TLC and elbow grease, you can whip that piece of fence into shape at little expense.

Another idea can also be found at the home center or by checking out yard sales and flea market. Lattice and trellises that are used in gardens also make unique headboards. All it takes is a little imagination, some sandpaper, and a can of paint. Remember, something that’s meant to go vertically in the garden can go horizontally in the bedroom. And if you’re using wooden lattice or trellis, you can staple a complimentary fabric to the back before hanging it.

So the next time you want to spice up your bedroom (décor, that is!), start by checking out your local home center or those flea markets and yard sales.

Great decorating idea, Jeanie! We spend a third of our lives or more in our bedrooms, so why not add a little pizzazz? Have you ever taken someone else’s trash and turned it into a treasure? Let's hear from you. Anyone who posts a comment this week is entered into the drawing to win a book from our Book Club Friday guest author. -- AP


  1. Every time I go to a garage sale or flea market, I'm always looking for something with craft potential. I like to pick up old broken jewelry, take it apart and make something new and funky with it. My last great buy was a couple of decks of tarot cards to use in collage work.

  2. Kathy, I love the idea of using Tarot cards in collage. I think they'd be great to decoupage with as well.

  3. Lynne used to worry she had a serious problem with daydreaming, then she discovered she was supposed to write the stories in her head. A late bloomer, Lynne came to fiction writing after her children were nearly grown. Now she battles the empty nest by writing stories which always include a romance, sometimes medicine, a dose of mirth, or both, but always stories from her heart. She is a Southern California native, married for almost thirty years, has two adult children she is super proud of, is a dog lover, cat admirer, a power walker, and fellow traveler on this wild road called life!
