Christmas is almost here. Are you prepared, or did you forget a gift or two you need to give? Here are three very quick-to-stitch cross stitched Christmas ornaments that are stitched with 1/8” ribbon instead of embroidery floss. However, if you’d rather use embroidery floss, use 6 strands for optimum coverage.
Materials (makes one of each design):
three 6” x 6” pieces white Monk’s Cloth
#20 tapestry needle
1/16” double-faced satin ribbon (red, 3-1/4 yds,; green, 2-1/4 yds.; lt. blue, 2-3/4 yds.; brown, 1/2 yd.)
iron-on interfacing
circle compass
coffee can plastic lid
three 6” x 6” pieces fabric for backing
1 yd. 1” wide white gathered lace
small amount fiberfill
basic sewing supplies
Cross stitch each design centered on a piece of the Monk’s Cloth. Make sure ribbon lays flat and doesn’t twist while stitching. When stitching is complete, apply iron-on interfacing to wrong side of each ornament.
Draw a 5” diameter circle on the plastic lid. Cut out. Center the circle over each ornament and trace onto fabric. Cut out circles. Cut out 3 additional circles from backing fabric.
With right sides together and raw edges even, sew lace around the perimeter of each ornament, beginning at the center bottom and turning under the beginning raw edge. Overlap lace 1/2”.
Cut a 9” length of red ribbon for the poinsettia, green for the Christmas tree, and lt. blue for the snowflake. Fold each in half. Baste to top center of ornament, raw edges together.
With right sides together and using 1/4” seam allowance, sew ornament to backing fabric, leaving opening for turning. Turn and stuff lightly with fiberfill. Slipstitch openings closed.
Cross stitch each design centered on a piece of the Monk’s Cloth. Make sure ribbon lays flat and doesn’t twist while stitching. When stitching is complete, apply iron-on interfacing to wrong side of each ornament.
Draw a 5” diameter circle on the plastic lid. Cut out. Center the circle over each ornament and trace onto fabric. Cut out circles. Cut out 3 additional circles from backing fabric.
With right sides together and raw edges even, sew lace around the perimeter of each ornament, beginning at the center bottom and turning under the beginning raw edge. Overlap lace 1/2”.
Cut a 9” length of red ribbon for the poinsettia, green for the Christmas tree, and lt. blue for the snowflake. Fold each in half. Baste to top center of ornament, raw edges together.
With right sides together and using 1/4” seam allowance, sew ornament to backing fabric, leaving opening for turning. Turn and stuff lightly with fiberfill. Slipstitch openings closed.
What a oool idea. I have never thought of using the ribbon instead of floss. Thanks.