Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Assistant fashion editor Erica Milano came up with a great solution for dealing with smelly sneakers. -- AP

That’s right, Anastasia. Whether you have teenage boys who live for sports or you go to the gym on a regular basis, you’ve probably been confronted with stinky sneakers. Gross, right?

You don’t have to deal with that rank odor any more. Simply slip a fabric softener sheet into each sneaker at the end of the day. The next morning your sneakers won’t make you pass out.

When I heard this tip, I went right out and bought a couple of boxes of fabric softener sheets for each of my boys. They keep one in their room and one in their gym bag for their cleats, and we can all stop holding our noses. Have you ever used fabric softener sheets for other purposes than in your dryer? Let’s hear from you. Post a comment to be entered into this week's drawing for a book from our Book Club Friday guest author. -- AP


  1. Dryer sheets are good to rub over card stock before using embossing powder. It keeps the embossing powder from sticking to the card stock so that it sticks only on the embossing ink where you want it. If you're not a rubber stamper, you probably have no idea what the heck I'm talking about.

  2. Great crafting tip, Kathy! Thanks for posting.

  3. They are actually good for getting out those white deodorant stains from clothes. Just rub with the dryer sheet and it will come off.
