Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Do you know what today is? Health editor Janice Kerr does. Keep reading. You’ll be glad you did. -- AP

It seems like there’s a holiday for everything lately. Today is no exception. It’s Eat What You Want Day, a day to reward yourself for being so diligent in your healthful eating habits and exercise routines. This holiday was created by Thomas and Ruth Roy. They sell herbs and e-cards and come up with quirky holidays like Eat What You Want Day. As quirky holidays go, this one is pretty cool and so much more appetizing than some of the other holidays they’ve established, like Return of the Slugs Day, which falls later in the month.

So go ahead. Take the day off. Splurge! But remember, it’s one day and one day only. Going off the health wagon one day of the year isn’t going to make a difference in the greater scheme of things, as long as you don’t have food allergies or any other medical reasons to stay away from certain foods.

Tomorrow it’s back to getting in shape for those bathing suit days that are fast approaching. Just remember, it’s Eat What You Want Day, not Pig Out Day. Watch those portions. Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow it’s back to salads and the treadmill.

So readers, what will you treat yourself to today? -- AP


  1. Eat What You Want Day got me in trouble today. When I picked up the kids at their classroom to take them to the cafeteria, one of the boys asked me if I wanted a Dunkin Donuts muchkin. He had brought them in for his birthday. Normally I turn them down but I said I would take one because it was Eat What You Want Day.
    Bad thing to say. You have no idea how many kids handed me their lunchbags and said they didn't like their lunches they wanted what they like instead. Moral of the story, watch what you say to small ears because they take everything literally.

  2. You always have to watch what you say in front of the little ones, Kathy.
