Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Flamenco dress made from junk mail

If you’re a frequent visitor to Killer Crafts & Crafty Killers, you know that we’re always trying to reuse, recycle, and repurpose. On a recent trip to Atlanta, fashion editor Erica Milano discovered a fashion collection that takes our mantra to exquisite heights. And she found it displayed in nine cases throughout the International Concourse E of the Atlanta airport.

Youth Eco-Dress made by 2,000 children out of recycled office paper

The exhibit is called Recycled Runway and is a collection of eighteen couture fashions made from re-purposed trash by Santa Fe artist and environmental educator Nancy Judd. Nancy believes that “waste does not exist, only wasted recourses,” and she proves it with her “trashique” fashions. Each piece is inspired by vintage designs and created from discarded and reclaimed materials such as a faux fur coat constructed of endless loops of cassette tape and a flamenco inspired dress made from junk mail crafted into origami, then sewn together.

Glass evening gown made from 12,000 pieces of recycled crushed glass

Erica snapped a few photos before she had to catch her flight. To see all the designs in the exhibit visit

So tell us what you think of these, readers. You could win a copy of the book being offered by Friday's guest author. -- AP


  1. What a fun post with colorful and surprisingly attractive designs. I must admit, however, the words "flame retardant" spring to mind.

  2. Had to come back and share this with you:

  3. LOL! Lois has a T-shirt with a similar saying on it.

  4. I've heard of duct tape dresses but never dreamed that recycled items could produce such pretty dresses. It's really an example of thinking outside the box and a great way to start a conversation about recycling. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wow, this is fascinating! Who knew you could make uch beautiful things from such unconventional materials! What a unique idea. Please enter me for a chance to win the book, which originally brought me to your blog, but your post made me a follower.

  6. Jane, I've seen books for making all sorts of things out of duct tape, including prom dresses. I wouldn't think they'd be too comfortable to wear, though.

    Maureen, thanks for following us! I hope you enjoy the posts.

  7. Very pretty, surprising what you can make with recycled items!
    Enter me in your contest! Thanks.
