Sunday, April 21, 2013


 Earth Day Magazine Bowl

Happy Earth Day! For those of you who are regular followers of Killer Crafts & Crafty Killers, you know that we stress the three R’s – Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle. So in celebration of Earth Day, today I’m featuring a super simple craft that repurposes magazines into a bowl.

magazine with colorful pages, scissors, low-temp glue gun, 5” x 5” piece of felt, tacky glue

1. Tear pages from the magazine. Cut each page in half, lengthwise.
2. Fold each half page in half lengthwise, then in half again, and repeating twice more until the strip is approximately 1/4” wide.
3. Apply dab of glue to one end of one strip and form into a tight coil. Glue the end in place.
4. Continue adding strips to enlarge the coil until it measures 4” in diameter. This is the base of your bowl. Adhere strips with a dab of glue as you add to the coil and glue the end of each strip to the coil.

5. Make small coils from individual strips of paper. These will be approximately 1” in diameter. Glue 15 smaller coils vertically around the perimeter of the large coil.

6. Glue a second rows of vertical coils staggered on top of the first row, then a third row.

7. Cut a 4-1/4” circle from felt. Glue to bottom of bowl with tacky glue. 

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