Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Photo by Wieke de Rijk

The Healthy Living segment of our blog is all about ways for people to stay healthy or become healthy. However, I recently came across a great tip for those of you who have cats as pets and thought I’d pass it along.

Nothing grosses me out more than coming across a hairball my cat upchucked. Those of you who have cats know what I’m talking about, right? Yuck! So here’s a tip to prevent hairballs:

If you drizzle a teaspoon of olive oil over your cat’s food, any hair she’s swallowed will easily pass through her digestive system. Give it a try. What do you have to lose other than another hairball deposited in your favorite pair of shoes?

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! My cat, Nikki, gets to go OWT!! each morning because he HAS to have his own fresh 'breakfast'. So the hairball he chucks up is really more of a undigested chipmunk pelt. The idea of me yelling, "Nikki, wait a second, I need to pour olive oil on that chipmunk ...."
