Sunday, August 4, 2013


Photo Collage Monogram

Materials: large Masonite letter (available in craft stores), white spray primer, acrylic paint in your choice of color for background, sponge brush, family photos, copy machine, scissors, glue stick, X-acto knife, clear plastic adhesive sheet (such as Contact Paper) large enough to cover letter.

1. Prime Masonite letter. Allow to dry.

2. Paint sides and front of letter with acryllic paint. Allow to dry.

3. Make black and white copies of photos, reducing size if necessary.

4. Cut out photos and glue in desired positions to letter. Allow glue to dry thoroughly. Trim photos to edge of letter with X-acto knife.

5. Carefully apply clear adhesive film to top of letter. This can be tricky. The easiest way is to cut a piece slightly larger than the Masonite letter. Pull away the backing sheet on one edge and tape the two corners of the sheet, sticky side up, to a flat surface. Slowly remove the remainder of the backing sheet and tape down the remaining corners. Place the letter face down over the adhesive sheet. Using a scissors, trim away excess close to letter. Turn the letter face up and burnish the film. Then using the X-acto knife, trim the remainder of the  film even with Masonite.

1 comment:

  1. That is just way too cute and a great idea.
