Monday, October 7, 2013


Today we feature another of the Romance Super Bundle authors. Golden Heart winner and Epic Award nominee Pamela Fryer writes edge-of-your-seat romantic suspense that will leave you breathless. Pamela’s contribution to the Romance Super Bundle of ten novels by ten authors is August Unknown. Learn more about her and her books at her website and blog. And don't forget, the Romance Super Bundle, a collection of 10 full-length novels by ten authors, is on sale now for the incredible low price of .99 cents.

Most people think it is the momentous incidents in a writer’s life that inspire their books, but that isn’t always true for me. I am often stimulated by little things—an odd looking person strolls past and inspires a character, a dramatic sunset inspires a setting, a news headline inspires a plot. All it takes is a seed, and my stories grow like carefully tended plants.

August Unknown was inspired by a day of sailing with my family. They are the sailors, not me, but I visited them several times in some of the most exotic places in the world during their five year live-aboard.

One day when sailing from the mainland of Cartagena, Colombia to a set of three small, uninhabited islands off the Corales del Rosarios National Park peninsula, we encountered heavy seas. Actually, they were heavy to me, not the sailors in my family. In my eyes, a thirty foot swell rising and falling in front of me was something like the buildings moving around in Inception. My seasickness came that day in the form of a raging headache and extreme light sensitivity. I stood by the rail looking across that gunmetal ocean (holding tight to the rigging) and thinking to myself a person gone overboard in this would never be found. Put it at night, add some rain and wind, and a sinister reason the victim went overboard, and you’ve got the makings of a mystery. Now throw in a head injury and a foggy memory. August Unknown was planted that day, just from watching the ocean roll in front of me.

August Unknown

Danger lurks in a past she can’t remember.

She doesn’t know what happened the night of the storm, why she was walking along the highway without ID, or why she has a fading tan line on her wedding ring finger, but a dark and terrifying presence haunts the edge of her memory. Before she can start a new life with the wonderful man who came to her rescue, she must remember what in her past might take her away from him.

Heartache lies in a past he can’t forget.

After a tragically failed marriage, Geoffrey Barthlow has only begun to scrape together the pieces of his shattered life. When Jane Doe “August” falls into his world, he sees the opportunity to help her as a chance to heal his own injured soul. But as he finds himself falling for the beautiful mystery woman, he knows his heart is once again at risk; she has another life somewhere that she will eventually remember.

Buy Links:
Barnes & Noble


  1. Pam, I love your behind-the-story story. This book sounds fabulou!

  2. Oh what an interesting way for an inspiration to hit you - shows that just about anything can spur our imagination, be it good or something not so good (raging headache and 30 foot swells while sailing sounds like the latter to me). LOL

    My own "inspiration" for writing my "Immortal Relations" series was also of the latter, when finding proof that my late father had a tryst at the end of WW-II while he was stationed overseas. Since I couldn't sleep that night, I got up and the "keyboard" called to me!

  3. Wow, Vamp Writer, that must have come as a shock!

  4. p.s. I went to Gunn, and Foothill. Small world!!

  5. I'd have been scared, too, even without the seasickness and the raging headache. Good that the muse could distract you with a story idea. August Unknown sounds wonderful; can't wait to read it.

  6. Like your title, Pamela. Best wishes with your book.
