Sunday, February 2, 2014


Felt Heart Pocket

9” x 12” sheet light tan felt, 9” x 12” sheet burgundy heather felt, straight pins, DMC #5 Perle Cotton 895, embroidery needle, small amount of polyfill, 12” of 1/4” wide decorative braid, sewing needle and thread, assorted metallic decorative heart-shaped buttons or charms, needle-nosed pliers, jewelry glue

1. Print the pattern. Using a copy machine, enlarge print one heart 6” wide, one 4-3/4” wide, and one 2-1/2” wide.

2. From the light tan felt cut two large hearts and one small heart. From the burgundy heather felt cut one medium heart and two small hearts.

3. Pin medium heart centered over one large heart. Pin small light tan heart centered over medium heart. Using a small running stitch, embroider around small and medium heart, close to the edges.

4. Pin small burgundy heather hearts together. Embroider running stitch1/8”  around outer edge, leaving opening for stuffing. Stuff with polyfill. Complete running stitch.

5. With wrong sides together, pin large hearts together. Stitch together with running stitch along sides, starting and stopping on each side even with the top of medium heart.

6. Stitch small heart to bottom of large heart.

7. Stitch braid to inside of pocket on both sides for hanger.

8. Using the needle-nosed pliers, cut shanks from buttons. Glue buttons randomly to both large and small hearts.