Thursday, June 26, 2014


Today we sit down to interview noir mystery author C. M. Albrecht. Learn more about C.M. and his books at his website

When did you realize you wanted to write novels?
I love to read, especially  a good mystery, and after becoming disabled and sitting at home, I decided to give it a try. I found a publisher for The Little Mornings in 2002 and have written another novel every year since. The latest, a dark suspense novel, The Deputy, is just getting into the editing process and should appear within a few months.

Are you traditionally published, indie published, or a hybrid author?
My publisher is an independent "small" house, but we get along great and to me that's more important than being a small cog in a big company.

Where do you write?
A spare bedroom is my office.

Is silence golden, or do you need music to write by?
Personally I like it quiet when I'm in my little office. I love music, but only when I'm actually listening to it. I don't like music droning in the background.

How much of your plots and characters are drawn from real life? From your life in particular?
I suppose I could say I take everything from real life. As a former investigator, over the years I've learned a great deal about human behavior and motivation. Any occasion can be a 'What if?' Even the most mundane incident might make a great story if only…what? 

My books are not autobiographical, but I'm flattered when someone says: "Come on, nobody could make that stuff up!"

Describe your process for naming your character?
Sometimes I search telephone directories, street maps and occasionally I hear a name that interests me and jot it down for future reference.

Real settings or fictional towns?
Generally I use real towns with real streets and places.

What’s the best book you’ve ever read?
I've read so many good books I just can't pick one above the others.

Everyone at some point wishes for a do-over. What’s yours?
I'm sure I could improve everything I write, but a person has to stop someplace and let go.

You’re stranded on a deserted island. What are your three must-haves?
If I were stranded on a desert isle, I'd have to have coffee, a stack of mystery novels and more coffee.

What’s on the horizon for you?
I try to write a little every day.

The Morgenstern Murders
Dr. Ezra Morgenstern is a prominent, very wealthy physician. In addition to his successful practice he has three abortion clinics and of course these bring a lot of attention and heat to him. Pickets not only harass his clinics but recently they've learned where he lives and are picketing his home.

When he and his wife are shot to death , there are plenty of suspects, but there's an old law-enforcement saying: 'Before you look for the outlaws, look at the in-laws.

Goldie Berman, the Morgenstern's daughter, inherits everything and the police know, many parents have been murdered by their children. They're looking very closely at Goldie.

Goldie hires private eye Jonas McCleary not only to clear her name, but to find the killer(s).

Before Jonas wends his way through this labyrinth of suspects, weird characters and life-threatening danger to arrive at the solution of this mystery, he'll learn to follow his gritty mother's advice: "You have to learn to think outside the box."


  1. It's nice to hear someone else uses real towns and streets. If I make up a location, I have no sense of direction or distance. I need a real place. Your new books sounds intriguing. I'll look for it.

  2. Enjoyed reading your interview, C.M. Best wishes with your book!
