Monday, September 22, 2014


Who Doesn’t Like Desserts?

Where do you get your best ideas? Author Lois Winston gets hers in the shower. She’s even been known to jot notes on the steamy glass shower door so she doesn’t forget them! Awhile back she was washing her hair one morning when inspiration struck. Apparently, 104 other authors thought it was a pretty cool idea because they all jumped on board when Lois offered them the chance to take part. The result is:

Bake, Love, Write: 105 Authors Share Dessert Recipes and Advice on Love and Writing, edited by Lois Winston

What do most authors have in common, no matter what genre they write? They love desserts. Sweets sustain them through pending deadlines and take the sting out of crushing rejection letters and nasty reviews. They also often celebrate their successes—selling a book, winning a writing award, making a bestseller list, or receiving a fabulous review—with decadent indulgences. And when authors chat with each other, they often talk about their writing and their lives. Recipes. Writing. Relationships. In this cookbook 105 authors not only share their favorite recipes for fabulous cakes, pies, cookies, candy, and more, they also share the best advice they’ve ever received on writing and relationships.

Author Kaye Spencer created a fabulous video for the cookbook. In addition, many of the Bake, Love, Write authors will be taking part in a scavenger hunt next month. There will be prizes galore for those who participate. Check back here next week for the details.

Authors include: Brenda Novak, Lois Winston, Debra Holland, Dale Mayer, Shelley Noble, Caridad Pineiro, Diana Orgain, Lisa Verge Higgins, Lynn Cahoon, Jasmine Haynes, Jan Carol, Meg Bellamy, Bobbi Chukran, Melissa Keir, Amy Gamet, Kristy Tate, Terry Shames, Barbara Phinney, Kitsy Clare, Raine English, Cathryn Cade, Haley Whitehall, Shilpa Mudiganti, Melinda Curtis, Jessa Slade, Jill Blake, Daryl Devore, Molly MacRae, Elizabeth Rose, Helena Fairfax, Lourdes Venard, Jessica Aspen, Maegan Beaumont, Kay Kendall, Elizabeth John, Victoria Adams, Cyndi Pauwels, Alice Loweecey, June Shaw, Donnell Ann Bell, T. Michelle Nelson, Nina Milton, Pam DeVoe, Skye Taylor, Conda V. Douglas, Pepper Phillips, Judy Alter, Cadence Denton, Lesley Diehl, Erin Farwell, Regan Walker, Kaye Spencer, Barbara Monajem, Kathleen Kaska, Catherine Kean, Rose Anderson, Suzie Tullett, Deborah Hughes, Cynthia Luhrs, Judy Baker, Alicia Dean, Leslie Langtry, Janis Susan May, Mitzi Flyte, Ruby Merritt, Renee D. Field, Kathryn Quick, Susan Cory, Judy Penz Sheluk, Kay Manis, Kathryn Jane, Debra Goldstein, E. Ayers, Chantilly White, Sloan McBride, Triss Stein, Ana Morgan, Adele Downs, L.C. Giroux, Pamela Aares, Nancy Warren, Barbara Lohr, J.J. Cook, Lynn Reynolds, Cori Arnold, B.V. Lawson, Lynn Franklin, M.L. Guida, Irene Peterson, Sue Viders, Liese Sherwood-Fabre, Susan Santangelo, Sheila Seabrook, Elaine Charton, Sharleen Scott, Kathy Bennett, Jody Payne, Reggi Allder, Ashlyn Chase, Beverley Bateman, Susan Lohrer, Donis Casey, Barbara Leavy, Stacy Juba, Karen Rose Smith.

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  1. Great video! Where do I get my ideas? My best ideas come when I'm alone; on the jogging trail, hiking, driving, etc.

  2. The shower is one of my two best places to get ideas - the other being on the beach. Leaving notes in the steams up glass not a possibility in either place - only have a curtain in the shower and no glass at the beach either which is why I am often hustling to my computer with salty wet feet or still dripping from the shower.

  3. Thanks for stopping by, Kathleen! Sounds like those are all good places for coming up with great ideas.

    Skyerwriter, do you own a smart phone? See if it has a voice record feature. It should. Then you can dictate your great ideas right in the bathroom or on the beach.

  4. Thanks for dreaming up this project. You carreid the klion's share of getting it all done, too.

    Appreciate being included and can't wait until I get the print copies I ordered.

  5. So glad you were able to participate, Kathye!

    Angela, thanks for stopping by. I think solitary endeavors and exercise both help our brain cells to churn out creative ideas.

  6. I can't wait to give this book as a Christmas present to some of my foodie friends and family.

  7. My long drive into work is where I get my ideas! :)

  8. Catherine, same with me. Makes holiday shopping much a breeze this year. :-)

    Melissa, if I start brainstorming while I'm driving, I usually miss my exit!

  9. It's been so fun seeing what everyone wrote and the recipes they chose. Thanks for doing this, Lois!

  10. I'm not finding a Pin It button or any sort of share buttons. What am I missing

  11. Thanks for participating, Jessica!

    Judy, I'm not sure what you mean. When I hover my curser over an image, the Pin button pops up.

  12. I love that you jot notes on the shower door! Thrilled to be a part of the book and wishing you lots of success.
