Tuesday, September 16, 2014


photo by Tom Woodward
Is coconut the new miracle health food? Every year it seems there’s a new “super” food being touted. Lately it’s coconut. It’s everywhere. There’s coconut milk, coconut oil, coconut water, and of course, shredded coconut. Coconut apparently is the new kale.

Recent research shows that coconut is good for you from head-to-toe. According to the research, coconut can help prevent obesity by speeding up metabolism. It can improve heart health by providing the right type of fatty acids. It’s high in dietary fiber. Coconut can regulate your blood sugar, reduce your craving for sweets, improve your digestion, and give you a quick energy boost.

Some claim coconut has anti-aging properties. It can prevent hair damage, moisturize your skin, and act as a sunscreen.

Coconut can help you lose weight, and even make your brain function better. Other claim coconut has healing properties and aids and supports our immune system functions.

Is this all hype or fact? Lots of foods once touted as being good for us have later been found to be not so good. However, coconut has no trans-fats and is gluten-free. And one thing is certain, populations that eat lots of coconut are some of the healthiest people in the world.

Besides, coconut tastes good, and how many things that taste good are also good for us?

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