Monday, April 6, 2015


J.M. Maurer is the author of the Emerging From Darkness trilogy—Seeking Love, Seeking Redemption, and Seeking Hope. Holding a Bachelor’s degree in nursing, she enjoys writing about health and wellness, infusing every emotion into her stories from laughter to tears. Learn more about J.M. and her books at her website and blog.

In the Emerging From Darkness trilogy, we meet Jessica Winters, the registered nurse who spends more time eating chocolate than making anything from it, and Matthew Moi, the sexy sex therapist who knows a great deal about the sexual benefits of cocoa, but prefers caramel. Throughout their growing relationship, the two are constantly waging a loving war, using each of their second loves—chocolate and caramel—to rile the other. So, it is only fitting that today we whip up something they both can enjoy:

Easy Nutella Toffee Pie

8 oz. cream cheese, softened
12 oz. Cool Whip
2/3 cup Nutella (Okay, I’ll be honest, I use a tad more)
1 cup toffee bits
1 graham cracker or Oreo cookie pie crust (I use Oreo, of course)

In an electric mixer, mix together cream cheese and Nutella. Add Cool Whip and mix on low until combined. Stir in 3/4 of the bits. Pour mixture into crust and top with the remaining bits. Chill for at least 2 hours before serving.

Warning: This recipe works very well with strawberries—You get the idea. If not, Dr. Moi is accepting new patients. ;-)

Seeking Love
Every day, Jessica Winters does what she does best—bury herself in patient care within the walls of the neuro intensive care unit, keeping herself busy to escape the dark sadness that controls her life. But the day she sees Matthew Moi, the intriguing man seated at her new patient’s bedside, her shattered heart begins to frantically beat once again. 

As Matthew pins his mesmerizing gaze upon her, trying to distract her with his humorous and playful banter, she does her best to ignore him. Somehow he already knows a great deal about her, breaking down Jessica’s barriers and awakening her soul, drawing her out of the darkness and into his arms. 

When her painful past resurfaces, revealing truths that threaten her future, Jessica struggles through her issues and fights to stay on a healing path . . . seeking love.

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  1. Hello :D

    This is one of my favorite recipes. Low on ingredients and super easy to make. And yes, I have switched out ingredients to reduce the you-know-what-must-not-be-named, and it still tastes great!

    Happy to share. Many thanks for featuring me on your lovely blog. I'm working today, but will be checking in. :-)

  2. This is my kind of recipe -- delicious and easy to make. Thanks for the post!

  3. You'll love, Angela Adams! Enjoy :D
