Tuesday, December 15, 2015


It’s that time of year when we tend to fill our homes with candles. They add a festive ambiance to dinners and parties, but there’s also a downside to candles. I’m not talking about fire hazard here. I’m assuming my readers are all intelligent enough that they never leave lit candles unattended. No, I’m talking about melted candle wax. Often, no matter how careful we are and even if those candles are advertised as “dripless,” accidents happen, and we wind up with candle wax marring various surfaces.

Of course, the easiest solution to this is to buy flameless candles. There are some very authentic-looking ones, but they tend to eat batteries the way kids gobble up Christmas cookies. Most of them also don’t fill your home with the scents of the season.

So what to do if you discover a blob of dried wax on your favorite holiday tablecloth or dining room sideboard? Reach for the vinegar. Yes, vinegar, that multi-purpose staple no household should be without.

Saturate a cloth with white vinegar (don’t use any of the specialty varieties meant for salad dressings and other recipes.) Place the cloth over the wax and apply light pressure for a few minutes. The vinegar will work its magic, breaking down the wax without damaging the surface.

Vinegar…it’s not just for salad dressing and window washing.

Looking for other money-saving and household tips as well as quick and easy recipes? Check out We’d Rather Be Writing: 88 Authors Share Timesaving Dinner Recipes and Other Tips.

The authors who contributed to this book are a rather creative and resourceful bunch when it comes not only to carving out time from their busy lives but also saving money. And a percentage of the profits from the sale of the book will be donated to No Kid Hungry.

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