Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Recent medical reports have worrisome news about the amount of salt we ingest. The recommended daily intake of sodium for adults is 2,300 milligrams. Most Americans eat considerably more than that every day. Excessive salt raises blood pressure and can lead to heart disease and many other illnesses.

However, I recently came across some great uses for salt that won’t adversely affect your health. In fact, salt is very good for your health when used in these ways because you reduce your exposure to toxic household chemicals when you substitute salt for many of your cleaning products. Here are just a few you might want to try.

1. The next time your apple pie or lasagna spills over while baking in the oven, pour a handful of salt on the spill. It will bake into a much easier to clean crust after it’s cooled.

2. Make a paste of salt with some baking soda and dish liquid. It works great for cleaning appliances, sinks, and tubs.

3. A combination of salt and dish liquid will remove coffee and tea stains from cups. Or if you have coffee residue inside a glass coffee pot, combine salt and ice cubes. Swirl vigorously around in the pot, then rinse.

4. Mix equal parts salt, flour, and vinegar into a paste to clean brass and copper. Allow the paste to sit for an hour, then use a clean cloth to remove the mixture and buff the metal.

5. Got rust? Make a paste of salt and cream of tartar with a small amount of water. Apply to the rust stain. Allow to dry, then brush off and buff with a soft cloth.

6. To prevent stinky kitchen drains, pour a mixture of salt and hot water down the drain. It will not only act as a deodorizer, it will keep grease from building up.

7. Ever spill red wine on yourself or your tablecloth? Blot up the excess liquid, then cover the stain with salt. Soak the item in cold water for half an hour, then launder.

8. For perspiration stains, add 4 T. of salt to a quart of hot water. Sponge on the garment until the stain disappears.

9. Remove gunk from the bottom of your iron by running a hot iron over salt sprinkled on a piece of paper.

10. Clean and deodorize the inside of your refrigerator with a mixture of salt and club soda.