Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Photo by Sharon & Nikki McCutcheon
September is International Women’s Friendship Month. Female friendships are unique. Our female friends know us better than anyone. We can talk to them about things we don’t feel comfortable discussing with anyone else. They encourage us and comfort us. They often know us better than we know ourselves. These special friends come in all sizes, shapes, and ages. Whether we’ve known them forever or not very long, we’ve forged a special bond with them.

National Women’s Friendship Day was founded in 2009 by the Kappa Delta Sorority. Since then it’s expanded to an entire month and become International Women’s Friendship Month. So take some time this month and let your special friends know how much they mean to you.

Here are some ways to celebrate:

Some things require more than a quick text or email. Take the time to send a handwritten card or letter to your BFF, telling her why she’s so special to you.

Pick up the phone and call a friend you haven’t spoken to in awhile.

Take your BFF out for coffee, lunch or dinner.

Plan a girls’ night out or a weekend getaway with your BFFs.

Organize a book club with your BFFs.

Set up a progressive dinner with your BFFs.

Remember your BFF with a small personal gift or flowers.

Make a photo album or scrapbook for your BFF to commemorate your friendship.

Choose a local charity and volunteer with your BFFs.

Create a special playlist for your BFF.