Wednesday, May 31, 2017


No matter how careful we are about shielding our skin from the damaging effects of the sun, as we age, we begin to see sun spots (also known as age spots) developing on our skin. Commercial creams to combat these can be very expensive. Most people have the mindset that the more expensive a product, the more effective it will be. That’s not always the case. Plus, it’s hard to tell exactly what we’re rubbing into our skin, given the expansive multi-syllabic list of chemicals printed in miniscule type on the label.

I recently came across a more natural way to lessen the effects of those annoying dark patches that are cropping up on my skin. It’s inexpensive and something most of us already have in our kitchen pantry—apple cider vinegar.

Place a few drops on a cotton ball and dab those pesky spots. Apple cider vinegar contains natural alpha hydroxy acids and provides a safe way to lighten those dark skin spots.


  1. Or I can just live with the spots since I've had them all my life. But this is good to know for when I change my mind.

  2. Isn't it wonderful that we have choices, Anne?
