Sunday, February 25, 2018


If you’re like me, you’re probably sick of winter by now and can’t wait for those first signs of spring to emerge through the soil—crocuses, daffodils, early blooming tulips. The other day I was so depressed by the ongoing frigid temperatures and all that white stuff covering the ground that I decided to take matters into my own hands. If spring wouldn’t pop out of the ground, I’d force it to make an indoor appearance.

All it took was a quick trip to the craft store. This project took me less than five minutes and is a craft project that every person who claims not to have any crafting talent can accomplish just as quickly.

I chose a large, hinged-lid canning jar as my container, primarily because I happened to have one, but you can choose any clear glass jar or vase.

I always save the crinkle paper that comes in gift baskets I receive, but if you don’t have any, you can purchase some at a party or craft store. Excelsior will also work, or you can just crinkle up a few sheets of colored tissue paper.

Choose any floral stems from the craft store. For the size container I used, I purchased three bunches of tulips. You may need more or less.

If you don’t have any fabric you can use, purchase a “fat quarter” at your local craft store or fabric store.

A glass jar or vase
Multi-colored excelsior, crinkle paper, or tissue paper
Several spring floral stems in your choice of color
Small remnant of complimentary fabric

Fill jar with excelsior, crinkle paper, or crumbled tissue paper.

Size of jar will determine length and width of fabric. Cut a piece long enough to tie into bow around neck of the jar.

Fill jar with floral stems.

Could anything be easier?


  1. Glad you like it, Judy. It's such a snap to make, and it's certainly brightening up a rather drab day here.
