Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Toothpaste, it’s not just for shining those pearly whites. Here are a few other uses for toothpaste.

· If one of your kids gets hold of a crayon and mistakes your wall for a coloring book, attack it with some toothpaste on a rag. The gritty texture of the toothpaste will cut through the waxy residue.

· Toothpaste is a much more wall-friendly way to hang posters in your teen’s room than using tape. Apply a dab of toothpaste to the corners of the poster and position in place. When it’s time to change out the poster for the next band du jour, peel off the poster and wash away the toothpaste residue with a damp cloth.

· Most colleges require a deposit for dorm rooms, just in case your darlings do damage. If they’ve put holes in the wall from nailing up pictures and other items, use toothpaste as a calk to plug up those holes and avoid losing your deposit.

· Toothpaste also makes a great jewelry polish. Use a soft brush or your fingers and rinse your baubles in warm water. One caveat: don’t try this on delicate jewelry or pearls!

· Were you cooking with garlic and now can’t get the smell out of your fingers? Lather up your hands with some toothpaste to eliminate the odor.

· Mint toothpaste is an excellent way to soothe the itch of a bug bite. Apply a small amount directly to the bite for relief.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tips. Especially tooth paste for a bug bite -- mosquitoes think I'm dinner. Whenever I would complain about my mosquitoes bites, my grandmother would tell me the bugs bit me because I was "so sweet." (LOL).
