Thursday, February 28, 2019


Romantic suspense author Min Edwards writes The Stone Bay series, The High Tide Suspense series, and the upcoming Wolf Moon series. She writes from the office of her 190-year-old farmhouse on the far reaches of the upper Maine coast. And yes, it is very beautiful in all seasons. Learn more about Min and her books at her website

The Winter Blues?
How has winter been treating you this year? Good, bad, same as always?

Lois asked me to write about something in my life/personality that was a bad/good thing. Or something in one of my characters that could be looked on as a negative or positive trait.

Well, winter is my nemesis actually. When I lived in central Texas, it wasn’t such a problem… emotionally or physically. I could go outside and take a walk in the sun. I could drive to fabulous restaurants in Austin. I could help keep the city weird. (That’s Austin’s credo… Keep Austin Weird.)

However, since I moved to Maine several years ago, winter is like one big black cloud. Oh yes, it’s beautiful, all those snow-dusted trees, the gorgeous sparkling ocean, the herd of wild turkeys which often visits my yard. But physically my body goes into hibernation mode. It tries to shut down on me unless I’m very diligent. I miss the turkeys and the ocean. The need for sleep is not in itself a bad thing, what with the world so chaotic and technology on the brink of “what-in-the-world-were-you-thinking?”

But I’m a writer.

Yes, shutting down for 4-6 months for me is not an option. I need to keep my creative juices flowing, but it seems that this year I’ve added a new, unwanted cog to the writing machine/flow… I can’t see!

Yup. Almost blind. My magnifying glass and my 3.5x reading glasses have become my constant companions. My car is sitting in a snowdrift because I can’t see to drive. I’m going to have to set my beloved Kindle aside and open up my Amazon Audible account again… and I hate to listen to books. I love words appearing before me, letting my own voices in my head tell me stories. I don’t want a sinister voice leaking from a speaker. It creeps me out.

And by the end of the month I’m going to have to visit the Dictate app on Word 10. Something else to learn… and it’s winter… my body (and that includes my mind) has shut down. So I’m in a funk.

But it’s a funk I can recover from come April… with just a little effort. I’ve done this for the past several years. The terrible cold of winter will flee, the snow and ice will melt. I can walk my poor old dog down our beach road (it will be muddy but I have waterproof shoes). And by this spring I’ll be getting ‘big girl’ treatments for my eyes (in the winter even when I could see, I refused to drive 100 miles to see my ophthalmologist).

So I’m optimistic. I try to endow my heroines with this trait as well. After all, winter can’t go on forever… although last year I opened my backdoor to be greeted by a white birthday… in late April! But that won’t happen this year… probably… and I’ll spend all summer and fall writing like a mad woman because by December winter will come again… and I’ll sleep, perchance to dream, and hopefully remember enough of those dreams to use that pesky Dictate app, if I must, to get some winter writing done.

Precious Stone
A High Tide Suspense, Book 4

Russian men come calling early one morning, and baker Collee McCullough hasn’t a clue what they want. The search for the answer takes her from Stone Bay, Maine to southern France and finally to Scotland—to an estate she had no idea she owned and to an objet d’art beyond imagining.

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  1. Thanks for having me on today, Anastasia. Even though this guest blog feels a little SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, today I'm energized and clear-minded. The sky is blue, the temperature is easing up to 32 degrees, and I'm going to take my dog for a walk this afternoon! Yay me!!!

  2. Just keep telling yourself spring is around the corner, Min.
