Sunday, March 17, 2019


By Lois Winston

Ever have one of those days where you second-guess yourself? You look around and wonder, why am I doing this? What’s the point? Have I made the wrong decisions? We all have those days, right? Sometimes you just need a little positive affirmation to help get you through them—a pat on the shoulder or an “atta girl!” for making the effort and encouraging you to keep trying.

I was having one of those days recently when I came across this sampler I designed fourteen years ago. The quote is from Walden by Henry David Thoreau. It reminded me that life is about the journey. We won’t always succeed at everything we do, no matter how much we work toward something, but we still have to continue to dream and live our lives striving toward fulfilling that dream. Why? Because you never really know when a dream will come true, but one thing is for certain. If you give up on yourself, the dream definitely won’t come true.

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