Thursday, July 16, 2020


Today we wit down for a chat with Lyssa Pennington from author C.T. Collier’s The Penningtons Investigate Series.

What was your life like before your author started pulling your strings?
When C.T. Collier came into my life, Kyle and I were splitting up, and I desperately missed my sister Manda Cushman. Moving from London to a little town called Tompkins Falls in the Finger Lakes of Upstate New York looked like the perfect solution. Manda lived there with her hunky husband, and the lakes were absolutely gorgeous. So I accepted the job at Tompkins College and quickly discovered it has possibly the highest murder rate of any college in America. In fact, at the start of Kyle’s and my newest mystery, Vamoosed, my faculty friend, handsome bad-boy professor Rand Cunningham, is shot and left for dead. And it looks like I’m next on the shooter’s list.

What’s the one trait you like most about yourself?
I can find the bright side in any situation and make you laugh when you’re at your lowest.

What do you like least about yourself?
Panic attacks. 

What is the strangest thing your author has had you do or had happen to you?
It has to be the scene with the ghost. I’m serious. I had a soul-wrenching conversation with the ghost of the fabulously wealthy and beautiful grandmother of my sister’s hubby, Bridey Tompkins Cushman. Bridey really set me straight about myself and my taste in men, and at the end of our little chat, she showed me the emerald ring that would become my engagement ring. Of course, she didn’t tell me which man would propose with that ring. 

Do you argue with your author? If so, what do you argue about?
Oh, good grief, I get so annoyed with Collier about when Kyle and I can start our family. She’s forever throwing up obstacles.

What is your greatest fear? 
That Kyle and I will never have the six kids we want!

What makes you happy? 
Every unexpected and beautiful thing, most especially children’s laughter.

If you could rewrite a part of your story, what would it be? Why?
I’m tempted to say I’d never have gotten on that plane from London to Tompkins Falls, but really, all that has happened since has made me stronger. Maybe even better.

Of the other characters in your book, which one bugs you the most? Why?
Hands down my college president, Justin Cushman. He makes me totally crazy with his special assignments “for the good of the college” and enticements “for the good of your career, Lyssa.”

Of the other characters in your book, which one would you love to trade places with? Why?
That is a double-edged sword, because I greatly admire my AA sponsor, Gianessa. I’d love to have her serenity and power of gentle persuasion, but the rest of her life? Never! She’s married to Justin Cushman.

Tell us a little something about your author. Where can readers find her website/blog?
Like me, C. T. Collier was a tech savvy professor, but lately she spends her time writing The Penningtons Investigate. You can find teasers about all our adventures at her blog. And, of course, she lives in the Finger Lakes.

What's next for you?
Now that would be a spoiler, wouldn’t it!

The Penningtons Investigate Series, Book 4

Professor Rand Cunningham is shot and left for dead on the Penningtons’ front lawn, and Lyssa Pennington could be next. Who’s behind the drive-by hit?

The husband of one of Rand’s conquests? 
The lawyer-brother of the student whose sexy video went viral on the Internet? 
The father of the actress passed over for a part in the movie of Rand’s bestseller? 

While Rand fights for his life, Detective Shaughnessy hunts for the badass truck seen speeding away from the scene. 

Lyssa and Kyle follow a lead to Norway, where villains, trolls, and other bombshells will change their lives forever.

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  1. Lois and Anastasia, thanks a million for hosting Lyssa Pennington (and me, her creator!) on your blog. This interview was lots of fun for us. Hope your fans enjoy it, too! Special wishes for a safe, happy, healthy weekend for all!

  2. What a fantastic way to introduce a story to readers. Who wouldn't be intrigued and want to buy the book after seeing an interview with one of the book's chief characters? I loved the interview and, through you, send my congratulations to C.T. Collier, a valued member of LCRW.

  3. What an ingenious way to introduce a book and its characters! I have just finished the author’s first book “Planted” and can’t wait to start the next! Of course, my living in the Finger Lakes has now turned out to be a dangerous endeavor. You never know, when you may be a witness to a murder...

  4. Rick, great plug for LCRW! The group's critiques have always been so valuable for my writing, from my very first venture into writing for publication. --Kate

  5. Fear not, Unknown! With the Penningtons in your corner, you can just enjoy our beautiful Finger Lakes on a gorgeous day like today!

  6. I participated in the town’s garden tour today and couldn’t help but wonder how many guns were buried under the rose bushes and small trees...

  7. You made me laugh out loud, Maija!

  8. I loved the chat with Lyssa Pennington from author C.T. Collier’s The Penningtons Investigate Series. It is well done and creative. I would like to read other interviews that can go in many different directions. How and why did Lyssa get picked to do her job? Where did she come from? Does she have any secrets? Does she have any theories on her work or does she use many different approaches?

  9. Christine Thompson

    I loved the chat with Lyssa Pennington from author C.T. Collier’s The Penningtons Investigate Series. It is well done and creative. I would like to read other interviews that can go in many different directions. How and why did Lyssa get picked to do her job? Where did she come from? Does she have any secrets? Does she have any theories on her work or does she use many different approaches?

  10. Great post and interview. Stick a feather in your cap! I so enjoyed reading the comments from the Pennington's. I feel like I know them. Very clever of you. Wishing you the best and much success. I apologize for being so late--trying to finish my WIP--almost there--and just saw this post. You know I love all your stories. Happy writing. We must do another book signing at the festival next year when all this craziness dies down.

  11. It's always fun to hear what the characters think of their creator. Nice to get to know about the new mystery and the author at the same time. Yeah for the Finger Lakes, LCRW, and authors who help authors.
