Sunday, September 20, 2020


Today we sit down for a chat with Rayder Cole from romance author Bonnie Edwards’s The Brantons series.

What was your life like before your author started pulling your strings?
I moved around the world freely, retrieving stolen art. 

What’s the one trait you like most about yourself? 
I gain people’s trust easily.

What do you like least about yourself? 
Sometimes I use their trust against them.

What is the strangest thing your author has had you do or had happen to you? She had me arrested in a sleazy motel.

Do you argue with your author? If so, what do you argue about? 
We don’t argue. I let her believe she’s in charge. Like I said, I gain their trust…

What is your greatest fear? 
That I’ll never find another Ellie.

What makes you happy? 
Being with Ellie again. Even for a short while.

If you could rewrite a part of your story, what would it be? Why? 
I never would’ve conned Ellie in the first place, and we wouldn’t have wasted the last decade.

Of the other characters in your book, which one bugs you the most? Why? Shaughnessy, the dirty Interpol agent, because I should’ve stopped him years ago.

Of the other characters in your book, which one would you love to trade places with? Why? 
There’s no one I’d rather be than myself…but my better self. The one who shows up when I’m with Ellie.

Tell us a little something about your author. Where can readers find her website/blog? 
Author Bonnie Edwards lives with her husband and pets on the rainy coast of British Columbia. She has written novels, novellas, and short stories for various publishers and now publishes her work herself. 
With four ongoing romance series: Tales of Perdition, The Brantons, The Christmas Collection, and Return to Welcome, she rarely spends a day without writing. Learn more about Bonnie and her other books at her website. 
What's next for you? 
I plan on helping Ellie’s art gallery grow and to help bring more criminals to justice with a consulting business. Excuse me, Interpol’s calling…

Rayder’s Appeal
The Brantons, Book 4

What can a reformed con man do when the woman who changed his life needs his help?

Eleanor Macklin has overcome her past and repaired the damage done by her first, and only, love. She has all she’s ever wanted, her family’s art gallery. If she’s not as spontaneous, or giving, or loving as she once was, well… that’s a life lesson she learned the hard way from a master of deceit. And trust is a thing of the past…

Rayder Cole has stumbled on a plot to forge stolen art that could ruin Ellie Macklin’s art gallery. He must get the forgery back before Ellie’s life is in ruins. He’s done enough damage to the only woman he’s ever loved, and now, he’s back to save what Ellie’s worked hard to build.

If Eleanor doesn’t take a chance on Rayder, she’ll lose everything. But trust lost is almost impossible to regain.

While the race is on to find the forger, Rayder’s appeal begins to work its magic again and Eleanor hates that she still finds him sexy. 

Rayder’s determined to reclaim the woman who stole his heart before he even knew he had one…


  1. Great name for a hero, Bonnie. I loved this story.

  2. Great interview! Love it when we talk to our heroes!

  3. I tried to leave a comment this morning, but it hasn't shown yet. Thank you Anastasia for chatting with Rayder! He's a sneaky one...kind of reminds me of Remington Steele.

  4. Hi Bonnie, his story reminds me of White Collar. I loved that show. Since he took off at the end of the series, I think your hero could do his job and the one he's told us about.

  5. I've read and reviewed Rayder's Appeal. You'll love this hero because he's exactly what a hero should be—complete with character growth for Rayder and Ellie.

  6. Rayder is something! I sure liked this book!

  7. Did someone say Remington Steel? Or White Collar? Or...yum!!!!! Thanks for letting Bonnie's hero tell us about himself. Love his sense of humor.

  8. Definitely on my reading list. Rayder has that indefinable something.

  9. Oh, you had me at Remington Steele...okay, actually at making me think of Pierce Brosnan. A great interview and a great name.
