Monday, October 19, 2020


Donnell Ann Bell gave up her nonwriting fiction career in newspapers and magazines because she was obsessed with the idea she could write a mystery or thriller. An award-winning author, including the 2020 Colorado Book Award for her latest release 
Black PearlA Cold Case Suspense, Donnell’s other books include Buried AgendasBetrayedDeadly Recall and The Past Came Hunting, all of which have been Amazon bestsellers. Currently, she’s writing book two of her cold case series . Learn more about her and her books at her website

I’m always honored to make a guest appearance on Lois Winston’s blog, and at the same time intimidated. She’s crafty; I’m not. She does let me expound on the things I’m good at, such as storytelling and my super-paranoia about babysitting grandchildren. 

Speaking of grandchildren, and this may be a first. I have a craft suggestion for all of you stuck at home with small children during COVID-19. Since Halloween is approaching, and it’s not a safe/smart idea to gather in crowds, or approach anyone’s home at this time, why not create a Do It Yourself Halloween? 

Think it’s messy? Too much work? I suppose that’s up to you. But not necessarily. Especially if you get your children or grandchildren in on the act. I even have a video of the Haunted House my granddaughter created as an example, and she’s four!

I was so impressed and thought with Halloween approaching, why not celebrate at home with a fun event like this?


Ideally, next year, we’ll be Trick or Treating with neighbors and friends. Right now, we need a whole lot of improvisation to get through this. 


On an entirely separate note, I know what I’ll be doing this Halloween. Working on Book 2 of my Cold Case series, and it just so happens that book one, Black Pearl, a Cold Case Suspense, is on special on all digital outlets October 16 through the 31st for .99. That’s quite a discount, and I hope if you like suspense, you’ll check it out.


In the meantime, consider my Haunted House suggestion for Halloween. Make it a family affair. Stay safe, and happy reading. 


Black Pearl

A Cold Case Suspense, Book 1


A cold case heats up when a 9-1-1 call puts police at a Denver murder scene pointing investigators to the abduction of a Colorado teenager fourteen years before. The connection? A calling card—a single black pearl—is found on the newest victim. Is the murder a copycat? Or has a twisted serial killer, thought dead or in prison, returned to kill again?


The hunt for a multi-state killer is on and brings together an unexpected team: a Denver Major Crimes police lieutenant; an FBI special agent who investigated the previous murders, a rookie FBI agent with a specialty in psychology; and the only living victim of the Black Pearl Killer is now a cop.


For Special Agent Brian DiPietro, the case is an opportunity to find answers. For Officer Allison Shannon, the case will force her to face down the town that blamed her for surviving when another did not. And for both DiPietro and Shannon, it’s a chance to find closure to questions that have tormented them both for years.


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  1. I know many people will leave treats on the porch and not answer the door. Not ideal. Then, nothing about the past eight months have been ideal. Because my street is a little busy, I don't get any kids anyway. Miss the fun.

  2. Cute video. Congratulations on the new release. Halloween will be a quiet time at our house this year. Will miss the kids.

    Mary, M.E. Bakos

  3. Vicki, this will be an especially hard year for kids. I just don't think it's smart or safe to allow children to trick or treat this year. Some people are forming parades in parking lots. So tough! Thanks for stopping by! xo

  4. Mary, me too! In Las Cruces last year I had more than 250 trick or treaters. Ours is a poor community, and these kids live for Halloween and law enforcement sets up all kinds of watch areas. I think it's going to be rough this year :(
