Friday, February 4, 2022


Today we sit down for a chat with police procedural authors HJ Forman and Alexia Forman.

When did you realize you wanted to write novels? 

HJ had this idea for at least ten years before he finally put words to paper. It was during the latter part of his full-time academic career that he found time to start. Alexia, an essayist, was talked into joining HJ recently. 


How long did it take you to realize your dream of publication? 

As it was self-published, it was not very long after HJ finished a final version of his first book. 


Are you traditionally published, indie published, or a hybrid author? 



Where do you write? 

HJ writes in his home office and Alexia writes at the kitchen table. HJ wrote his first novel while traveling by Amtrak between LA and Merced.


Is silence golden, or do you need music to write by? What kind? 

Depends on HJ’s mood. If there is noise, he drowns it out with Bach or Mozart.  Alexia needs quiet.


How much of your plots and characters are drawn from real life? From your life in particular?  

Except for our dog Muffy, none of the characters are real. Although it is very rare for someone in academia to commit murder, the plot is based on an actual problem in academia, unfair reviews.


Describe your process for naming your character?  

The name of the masculine main character, S.T. Jude, was based on the Catholic saint for performing impossible feats. HJ thought it would be fun to have a fiery red haired female main character, like the cartoon character Brenda Starr and named her Cindy Firestone.  As the biomedical research community is very diverse, some ethnic names were used. 


Real settings or fictional towns?  

Some are real and some are not.  


What’s the quirkiest quirk one of your characters has? 

The male main character is a coffee addict.


What’s your quirkiest quirk? 

Alexia gets up very early (about 5 am,) to work while HJ stays up until midnight.


Everyone at some point wishes for a do-over. What’s yours? 

Alexia would have liked to have been born into a different family, one that was not ruled by an abusive father. HJ would rather not talk about it.


What’s your biggest pet peeve?  

People with Dunning Kruger Syndrome. That’s where someone without expertise in science argues that their opinion is as accurate as the facts presented by an expert. 


You’re stranded on a deserted island. What are your three must-haves? 

A satellite phone, water and chocolate. 


What was the worst job you’ve ever held? 

Alexia – babysitter, did it once and retired. HJ – delivering newspapers, particularly in snow.


What’s the best book you’ve ever read? 

Alexia: Encyclopaedia Britannica.  HJ: The Winds of War by Herman Wouk.


Ocean or mountains?  

Both of us prefer ocean.


City girl/guy or country girl/guy?  

Both of us are city people.


What’s on the horizon for you?  

Travel again, please St. Jude. More writing.


Anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself and/or your books?  

HJ Forman was born and raised in New York City. In the latter part of a long and successful career as an award-winning academic biomedical scientist, he began writing mysteries. He is willing to admit that a small percentage of the inhabitants of academia are unworthy of admiration. He’s also finding retirement to be a myth since he’s busier than ever and barely fits in time to watch football games.


Alexia Forman, a proud Philadelphian, went from painting pictures with oils to painting them with words. In her long history as an academic librarian, she also discovered how academia mirrors the rest of society.


Learn more about the Formans and their book at their website.

Toxic Vengeance

Bodies of respected, highly educated men and women are dropping in different parts of the country. Why are all the victims poisoned even when they die by different means? It takes fiery redhead police detective Cindy Firestone from a Washington, D.C. suburb to spot a connection. She brings the case to the attention of FBI Special Agent Steve Jude, who recognizes her intelligence and enjoys her packaging. Together, they investigate the many suspects and learn about the world of academic science, which most outsiders assume to be sedate. How wrong is that!


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