Friday, August 26, 2022


Today we sit down for a chat with Georgia Weber from romance author Jacquolyn McMurray’s Sheltered for Love. 

What was your life like before your author started pulling your strings? 

I was happily married. My husband and I took early retirement to live in our dream home in Hawai‘i. I spent most days volunteering at the local animal shelter. Before Jacquolyn killed off my husband, my life was predictable and full, and I was content.


What’s the one trait you like most about yourself? 

I think of myself as a caring person. I’m especially concerned about the welfare of animals since they rely on humans to protect them. 


What do you like least about yourself? 

I’m overly emotional and cry easily. 


What is the strangest thing your author has had you do or had happen to you? She defined my occupation as a retired emergency room nurse and then made me freeze when my husband collapsed. Talk about losing your confidence!


Do you argue with your author? If so, what do you argue about? 

I wanted to have more children in the story, but Jacquolyn said it wouldn’t add any value. She, of course, won that battle.


What is your greatest fear? 

Ever since my husband died on my watch, I’m afraid I can’t be trusted to care for someone.


What makes you happy?  

Having pets to keep me company, seeing my grown daughter, spending time with my best friend, and being with Romel (even though our budding relationship scares me).


If you could rewrite a part of your story, what would it be? Why? 

I would maybe spend more time developing the dogs’ personalities. I feel like the birds, Bert and Trudy, stole the limelight.


Of the other characters in your book, which one bugs you the most? Why? Harriet, my best friend’s mother, is always making snide comments about me. I shouldn’t let her bother me, but she does.


Of the other characters in your book, which one would you love to trade places with? Why? 

Romel. He exudes confidence and is clear what he wants.

Tell us a little something about your author. Where can readers find her website/blog?

Jacquolyn McMurray is published in both contemporary and historical romance and enjoys teaching writing classes and mentoring new writers. She and her husband live on a macadamia nut farm on the island of Hawai'i where they feed a chowder of cats and a flock of hodgepodge chickens. When she's not doing writerly things, Jacquolyn loves spending time with family and friends, sewing, and watching reruns of Monk. Learn more about her and her books and sign up for her newsletter at her website. 


What's next for you? 

I’ll be settling into the new me and continuing my work at the animal shelter.


Sheltered from Love (available September 20th)

Paradise, pies, and possibilities. Will Georgia give love a second chance?


Her husband died on her watch. It should never have happened. As a registered nurse, Georgia knew what needed to be done. Will she relive her failure for the rest of her life and deprive herself of the life she deserves? 


Georgia lives in her dream home in Hawai‘i, but she’s lonely. And as much as she’d love to have a couple of pets, and maybe even a male companion, she can’t be responsible for another living thing. Not after she froze when her husband collapsed.


She fills her lonely days volunteering at the animal shelter and roams around her empty house at night. Until the day a pie-baking house painter talks her into one supper, and then another. 


  1. Wonderful interview! Looking forward to reading Sheltered from Love!

  2. Thank you. I think my character had fun doing the interview! I hope you enjoy reading my story.

  3. Very honest & reflective responses.
    Kudos to the interviewer !

  4. Thanks. I was surprised at some of Georgia's answers!

  5. Great questions and great answers, "Georgia". What an original interview. Who knew dear Georgia was bothered by those birds stealing the limelight? I guess I'll have to read it and find out! Is it available yet?

  6. Kristin - Glad you enjoyed the interview. Anastasia posed some great, thought-provoking questions. The book will be released in paperback and eBook on September 20 on Amazon.

  7. A warm mahalo to Anastasia for hosting me.
