Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Today we sit down for a chat with Samantha Davies from author S.A. Kazlo’s Samantha Davies Mysteries.  

What was your life like before your author started pulling your strings? 

Murderless- lol. Okay, so I made that word up. I was a happily divorced woman penning what I hoped to be a successful children's story, Porkchop the Wonder Dog, starring my faithful dachshund, Porkchop.


What’s the one trait you like most about yourself? 

My loyalty to my family and friends. I'll stick with them through thick and thin, guilty or not of murder.


What do you like least about yourself? 

I'm pretty happy with myself now that I'm shed of my cheating ex- George, although we still co-own a funeral parlor together, the Do Drop Inn Funeral Parlor, but my stubbornness can get me in a pack of trouble at times. I really hate to be wrong.


What is the strangest thing your author has had you do or had happen to you? 

I'd say going along with Candie and posing as Cagney and Lacey when we were questioning a young man about a possible murder suspect. Of course, he was too young to even know who those characters were.


Do you argue with your author? If so, what do you argue about? 

Oh, my, do we ever. Mostly about the situations she wants to stick me in. Doesn't she realize that investigating murders can be dangerous?


What is your greatest fear? 

I guess my greatest fear is anything happening to the ones I love, especially since I tend to get myself into some pretty hairy situations often involving them, too.


What makes you happy? 

Being with my boyfriend Detective Hank Johnson, my dachshund, Porkchop and of course anything chocolate


If you could rewrite a part of your story, what would it be? Why? 

Maybe it would have been listening to my dog, Porkchop, when he didn't cotton to my ex George. Porkchop was smarter than me when it came to George. I should have shed myself of George way before I did. Porkchop would growl whenever George came into the room.


Of the other characters in your book, which one bugs you the most? Why?

Sergeant Joe Peters. He'd love to arrest me and throw away the key. Joe and I have a long history, going all the way back to kindergarten. You see, one day at recess I saw him using the sand box as his personal pee-potty.  So, shoot me- I reported him to the teacher. I mean who wants to play in a sand box after he's christened it. He's held that against me ever since.


Of the other characters in your book, which one would you love to trade places with? Why? 

My Southern Belle cousin, Candie. I love her strong personality, She's bold, bright and beautiful. She sparkles as brightly as the rhinestones she adores. 


Tell us a little something about your author. Where can readers find her website/blog? 

My author is a retired Home Ec teacher. Since she hates cold weather, she retired to Upstate NY with her husband and two dachshunds. Go figure. See what I'm dealing with. When she's not writing, watching her three grandchildren, or voraciously reading cozy mysteries, she loves to rug hook. Her website is


What's next for you? 

Syrl already has me involved in another murder. Geez, and I thought I lived in a nice quiet town in Upstate New York. At least I did until she got involved in my life.


Pups, Pumpkinss and Murder

A Samantha Davies Mystery, Book 4


When Samantha Davies finds a murdered man—crushed beneath a 2,000 pound pumpkin!—her upstate New York fall suddenly turns very chilly. And when her good friend and owner of the local cafe becomes the police's prime suspect, Sam takes it up on herself to find the real killer. With her faithful dachshund, Porkchop, by her side, can Sam get to the truth... before the killer gets to her?


Preorder (available 9/19)