Sunday, January 25, 2015


Jute and Button Clay Pot Flameless Candle Holder

Those of you who follow this blog know that I like creating crafts projects that use jute, buttons, clay pots, and whatever else I have on hand or left over from other projects. The project above is one such craft. The only other materials you’ll need are a glue gun and pair of scissors.

I used a 4” clay pot because I wanted one large enough to hold a flameless pillar candle. You can use any size pot you want, depending on the end use. If you don’t have jute, use rope or other cording such as macramé cord. Or braid some leftover yarn together. Be creative!

Stick to a monochrome palette as I did, or go wild with rainbow colors.

I started at the lip of the pot and wrapped it with 1/4” jute. I then twisted five lengths of leftover mop string (from the last time I made a mop doll) together and glued a row to the top edge of the pot and another row directly underneath the bottom jute row.

Now glue various size buttons randomly around the base of the pot until it’s covered. Overlap buttons for a more 3-dimensional look.

And that’s it. The entire project took less than an hour.

One precautionary note: Be careful not to burn your fingers with the glue gun as I did!


  1. And flameless ones are so much safer, Angela. You should give this craft a try. It's super easy.
