Featuring guest authors; crafting tips and projects; recipes from food editor and sleuthing sidekick Cloris McWerther; and decorating, travel, fashion, health, beauty, and finance tips from the rest of the American Woman editors.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2022


Today we welcome Darlene Fredette to the blog. Darlene resides on the Atlantic Coast of Canada where the summers are too short, and the winters are too long. She writes contemporary romances with a focus on plot-driven page-turners. When not working on her next book, she can be found hanging out with her husband, her daughter, and her yellow Labrador. Learn more about Darlene and her books at her website and blog. 

An Artist at Heart

I’ve always been a crafter, from painting free-hand and ceramics, to needlepoint and cross stitch, diamond art beading, and pencil sketches. While I pencil sketch a picture once a week for my daughter and have a diamond art beading project started but not finished, I haven’t done other crafts in a long while.


During visits to see my aunt, who lives in a small town nestled on the Atlantic Ocean, we take walks along the beach to find sea glass. I wanted to design a sea glass project from all the little treasures I’ve found. I checked online for inspiration and came across an artist who works with sea glass. In one of her projects, she incorporated acrylic paint. I’ve always loved painting and the pouring technique piqued my interested, which led to following several painting artists.


I decided to haul out my paints and give painting a try. My first couple of paintings weren’t too bad, but I knew I could do better. I hadn’t painted in years, so I was a little rusty. I received plenty of painting supplies for Christmas and all I needed was an idea. My husband requested a painting design with The Rollings Stones tongue. I was thrilled with the result, as was my husband who requested another design.


Since then, I’ve done several more paintings, and I’m getting better with each one. There are many different elements to use instead of a paint brush, and I’ve already tried balloons, chains, and bubble wrap. My Daisy Balloon Burst is one of my favourites. Today, I finished another painting using red, pink, and white for the background and I painted a deep red heart on top. This painting will go on our front door for the next two weeks.


I have many designs I want to try, such as a themed series of fire and water, and earth and outer space, as well as a skull with a spooky background. The painting project ideas I have are endless!


I am happy to have rediscovered my love of painting, and while I may not consider myself an artist, I have been told by many that the title is appropriate.


If you want to check out more of my paintings and pencil drawings visit my website or blog.


Finding Home Again

A Redford Falls Novel, Book 5

A missing dog, a potential poisoning, and a suspicious death. Will Jordan and Logan find their happy-ever-after before another mysterious accident occurs?


Caretaker of a historical home, Jordan McKenzie, promised to keep a secret, but doing so gets harder by the minute, especially when an innocent kiss misses its intended target. Entangled in a web of mysterious mishaps, she discovers a surprising family connection. Is putting her trust in her boss' handsome nephew a risk worth taking?


Chef Logan Crane returns to Redford Falls hoping to claim an inheritance to open a restaurant, but he side-lines his plan after meeting Jordan. When past secrets intermingle with a present attraction, will Logan open his heart to the possibility of a future in Redford Falls…and with Jordan?


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1 comment:

DarleneLF said...

Thank you for hosting me today and allowing me to talk about my craft!