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Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Leaving international thrillers to the world travelers, bestselling author Donnell Ann Bell concentrates on suspense that might happen in her neck of the woods – writing what she calls Suspense too Close to Home. She’s the author of four standalone novels and is currently working on the third book in her Cold Case series. Learn more about Donnell and her books at her website. 

We All Have our Gifts 

By Donnell Ann Bell


I always believed I had a nice voice. Then I watched several seasons of America’s Got Talent and The Voiceand realized I could carry a tune and that’s about it. For what it’s worth, I readily accept I can’t dance and will never in this lifetime appear on Dancing with the Stars.


I tell you this, lest you think I’m being critical of people I love. It’s important to know our talents and equally important to know our limitations. In the words of writing coach Becca Syme, “Some people can, and some people can’t.”


When I was young and observant of family dynamics, I learned my father was good at his job, an extremely hard worker, but in no uncertain terms was he a handyman. In fact, if my dad even mentioned he was going to “fix” something, my mother left the room, picked up the phone and called a professional. I always thought that was a bit odd until she wanted a kitchen remodel. She showed us a spread in a home improvement magazine, stared longingly at it, and the first words out of my father’s mouth were, “I’ll do it.”


The outcome was ghastly, and they lived with it for a couple of years until even my father admitted the project was a disaster.  Later, my mom would have her dream kitchen, complete with an added sunroom. Better yet, it was completed by a licensed contractor.


Fast forward ten years or so when I met and married my husband. For all intents and purposes, I might have married my father. Not literally but figuratively, of course. My husband, now retired, was a chemical engineer, highly respected in his field of industrial water treatment. His brother, on the other hand, is an excellent carpenter and craftsman who builds houses. That started my husband down the wrong road of assumptions, believing he, too, carried a handyman gene.


Much like my father had with the kitchen, my husband decided he would economize and complete the laundry room in our basement. The laundry room, tucked between my children’s playroom, a bathroom, and a guest room, was space we used every day. No matter. He spent several hundred dollars on material, then banished us upstairs. After a few hours of banging and sawing, I dared a peek down the stairs to discover the washer and dryer now blocked a majority of the hallway.


Shortly after that, the door to the utility room flung open, my husband stepped outside, and in a disgusted voice said, “Hire somebody!”


Next year, we’re planning a bathroom remodel. I can already see him adding the budget in his head. I don’t think he’ll attempt to do it himself, but you never know. Wish me luck!


Speaking of gifts, I do believe one of mine is storytelling. To that end, for the rest of June, two of my books are on sale! Betrayed, one of my bestselling romantic suspense novels, and Until Dead, book two in my Cold Case Suspense series, are both on sale for the deeply discounted price of $.99.



A mother told her baby’s death was a lie.

A daughter rocked by her true identity.

A detective fighting to protect them both.

A conspiracy that strikes at our most precious bonds.

When Oklahoma City resident Irene Turner learns the incomprehensible, that the stillborn baby she delivered 28-years earlier is alive, she takes the evidence to where her daughter now lives—Denver Colorado. Detective Nate Paxton can’t believe what Irene Turner shows him. Kinsey Masters, a world-class athlete, raised by a prominent Denver family, an unattainable woman he’s known and loved for years, was stolen at birth.

Irene Turner, Nate Paxton, and Kinsey Masters are united in a sordid conspiracy. But it’s who the conspirators turn out to be that will leave the trio shaken and in disbelief. Irene’s foundation of trust will be ripped from its core, as kidnapping, murder, and a thirst for revenge lead her to learn she’s been betrayed. 

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Until Dead 

This killer won't stop …until she's dead

When Lt. Everett T. Pope is notified of an explosion in downtown Denver close to the judicial buildings, his first instinct is gas leak. No such luck. As Incident Command and Pope's own Major Crimes unit move in, he discovers he knows the intended victims—an Assistant U. S. Attorney—and Pope's former partner, now a private investigator, has died shielding the injured AUSA with his body.

As ATF and the FBI take over investigating the bombing and unraveling motives behind the murder attempt, Pope is relegated to a peripheral role. But the injured AUSA's aunt is a United States senator used to getting results. She turns to the team that solved the Black Pearl Killer murders with a very big ask—find her answers and locate the bomber.

FBI Special Agent Brian DiPietro must recall his entire cold case team from their far-flung assignments knowing he's being asked to do the impossible. The senator, however, doesn't know the meaning of the word. All too soon, DiPietro finds his team working alongside ATF on a red-hot mission. One that uncovers a decades old cold case. 

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Margaret Mizushima said...

Donnell, I laughed out loud at this post. Sadly, it is way too familiar! Yes, you are a gifted storyteller, and this is a great way to announce the discount price of two very good books to enjoy this summer. Highly recommended! Keep those stories coming!

Lois Winston said...

I'll second the recommendations for Donnell's books. I'm always happy to have her stop by at Killer Crafts & Crafty Killers.

Donnell Ann Bell said...

Ah, thanks, Margaret and Lois! I always dreamed of starting a band. Gave up on it :) Have a great Fourth of July!

Marie Sutro said...

Your poor mom. I agree - hire the pro every time!!

Donnell Ann Bell said...

Marie, I so agree! xoxo Thanks for stopping by!

Renee Ryan said...

Oh, Donnell, how right you are about, what I call, staying in our lanes! I loved reading about the men in your life. They meant well, LOL. P.S. I loooooove your books. Once I start reading, I can't put them down. CanNOT wait for Book 4. No pressure, though. I'm willing to wait.


Francelia Belton said...

Hi Donnell! I enjoyed this post as well. My husband is a handyman; it's just a matter of getting him to finish the projects he starts. LOL. :)

MSeifert said...

Well done!

Pamela Ruth Meyer said...

This post is great, Donnell. So much fun. For my father (and it seems countless other peoples' fathers, too) the major fix-up tool was DUCT TAPE. Still to this day, I buy him various comical sweatshirts for Father's Day that joke at this particularly popular fixer-upper method. What's even better--he wears them with pride.

Rhonda Blackhurst said...

LOL! This post made me laugh out loud. My husband is a handyman but I have to be careful if I vocalize something I would someday like, because that becomes his obsession and won't stop until it's done. :-)

Donnell Ann Bell said...

Charlene, you and your husband are my heroes! Obviously you're patient sorts where you could work and communicate well together. How impressive! Thanks for stopping by!

Ha! Francelia, will your husband come to Las Cruces ;) wait that might leave some unfinished work behind. I want you to continue speaking to me

M. Seifert. Thank you!

Pamela Ruth Meyer: Duct Tape. Priceless. I wonder how many marriages were save (or ended) because of this product. Love the shirt logo. Thanks for stopping by!

Rhonda: Oh wow! If he's a handyman and won't stop until he's done, keep him! :) I know you plan to anyway. Thanks for commenting

Everyone have a great Fourth of July!

Thonie Hevron said...

A fun post, Donnell! I'm lucky that I married a man who could do any construction, plumbing required many cuss words, though. He's slowed down enough that he hires out most work around our house. BTW, both these books are wonderful.

Donnell Ann Bell said...

Thank you so much Thonie! Wow, I know that construction and handyman must marry LOL Consider yourself blessed. Kidding of course. I'm blessed as well, and thank you for your lovely compliment on my books!