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Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Today we sit down for a chat with Callie Haybeck from author Janna Rollins’ Zen Goat Mysteries. 

What was your life like before your author started pulling your strings?

Before I met Janna, I was twenty-seven and still living in my childhood bedroom in my parent’s house in Seattle, Washington. I was waitressing at a seafood restaurant and teaching a couple of yoga classes a week, but I felt like I was at loose ends. I couldn’t afford my own place in Seattle, most of my friends were getting married or at least in solid relationships, and I was content to play board games with my family on Friday nights. On a whim, I took a DNA test and found some long lost family. I’m glad my author pushed me to get on a plane to New Hampshire to meet them. It has changed everything. (Well, most everything. I’m still living in a family member’s spare room, but at least it’s not my parent’s anymore!)


What’s the one trait you like most about yourself?

I’ve discovered I have a strong work ethic and can pretty much learn any task set in front of me. Whoever thought a city girl like me would be out there mending fences and bailing hay?


What do you like least about yourself?

My tendency to open my mouth and let stupid things fall out of it before I think. I really need to work on that!


What is the strangest thing your author has had you do or had happen to you?

Probably buying a herd of goats only to find out I’m allergic to them, but going ahead and teaching sessions of goat yoga anyway. I should have purchased stock in Kleenex!


Do you argue with your author? If so, what do you argue about?

Not that often, but every once in a while. It’s usually about my author wanting me to be braver than I am. Why can’t she let someone else catch the bad guy for a change?


What is your greatest fear?

Never fully growing up. What if I’m one of those people who is labeled “failed to thrive?” It’s not that I don’t love my great-aunt and great-uncle and working on the farm, but am I ever going to be fully independent? 


What makes you happy?

Oh, gosh. Coffee, my favorite goat Bugsy, especially when he’s yelling to make sure I know he’s there. It cracks me up every time. My cousin Tristan, that adorable but maddening veterinarian Levi. Uncle Will’s sparkling eyes when he’s teasing me, Aunt Ellen’s lemon-blueberry muffins, the sound of summer nights, fireflies. So many things!


If you could rewrite a part of your story, what would it be? Why?

Nothing really. My life hasn’t been bad, at all, even though it’s been a bit less than magnificent. I mean, maybe I would’ve, should’ve, put myself out there more and given myself the opportunity to fall in love. But I’m only twenty-seven. There’s still plenty of time to get my heart broken. 


Of the other characters in your book, which one bugs you the most? Why?

Hands down, Jim Haybeck. He’s Tristan’s dad, and Aunt Ellen and Uncle Will’s only offspring. The guy’s a big jerk. He’s an attorney from Chicago and apparently thinks I’m here to try to scam his parents out of their farm. I could do without seeing him again for a very long time. 


Of the other characters in your book, which one would you love to trade places with? Why?

Hmm. Interesting question. I’m going to have to go with Sydney Livingston. She’s the nicest one out of the group of mean girls staying at the farm for a goat yoga retreat. Sydney is about my age and already almost done with medical school. She really has her life together. I mean, it’s possible she may be a murderer, but….nah. I don’t think she is. 


Tell us a little something about your author. Where can readers find her website/blog?

My author, Janna Rollins, also writes the Hometown Hardware mysteries as Paula Charles. You can find both her personalities on her website – www.paulacharles.com – or on both Facebook and Instagram as Rainy Day Mysteries. 


What's next for you?

I’ll see you again in the spring of 2025 in Goats Just Wanna Have Fun where I’ll be at the local county fair teaching daily sessions of goat yoga, and probably eating my weight in fried fair food! 


An Escape Goat

A Zen Goat Mystery, Book 1


After finding long-lost family through a DNA test, Callie heads to Bobwhite Hollow, New Hampshire, to meet a great-uncle she never knew existed. Charmed by the village and more than half in love with her new family, she decides to stay and open a goat yoga studio and retreat space.


When retreat guest Angilene Claudson turns up dead with a wine glass shattered at her side and Callie’s favorite goat lapping up the spill, the death is written off as an accidental overdose. But when the goat gets sick, Callie’s gut tells her it wasn’t an accident at all. With her new business on the line and a possible murderer staying in the guesthouse, Callie sets to work to uncover the truth and keep her family safe.


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Janna Rollins said...

Thanks so much for visiting with me, Anastasia!


Happy to have you as a guest today!