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Sunday, February 9, 2014


Victorian Valentine
Valentines were exchanged going back as far as the 1400’s when legend has it that the Duc D’Orleans started the tradition when he mailed a Valentine from his prison cell in the Tower of London to his fiancĂ©e. The exchange of Valentine’s Day card began in earnest with the Victorians in the 1840’s. Those original Valentine cards are now much sought-after collector’s items, especially those designed by children’s book illustrator Kate Greenaway. However, there are many sources for reproductions, and they’re great for making Valentine crafts.

Victorian Valentine
Are you planning a romantic dinner for two on the fourteenth? If so, here’s a quick way to add a little something special to the table setting.

Photo-copy some Victorian Valentine clip art onto card stock or heavy paper. Cut strips 1-3/4” x 5-1/2”. Staple or glue the short ends together and use as napkin rings.


Haley Whitehall said...

They are beautiful. Thanks for sharing! I love Victorian valentines.


Thanks for stopping by, Haley!