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Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I came across an interesting article the other day. It said that drinking team just might help you lose weight. Since I’m constantly battling the scale—as many women do—I read further. 

Apparently, according to a professor of nutrition at Tufts University, tea, especially green tea, will speed up your metabolism and increase the fat calories your body burns. This is due to a combination of caffeine and the antioxident catechin in tea.

According to the article, you should drink at least two cups of tea a day and let the tea steep for at least three minutes for optimum catechin consumption.

Along with possible weight loss, other studies have found that green tea may reduce the risk of certain cancers, specifically lung, breast, and skin, and also slow the rate of bone loss.

Tea time anyone?


Lyndi Lamont said...

Sounds good, but I had to cut out caffeine years ago in the interests of sleeping at night. And boy do I miss that caffeine jolt.

Maybe one cup of green tea in the AM? It may be worth a try.

Lois Winston said...

I couldn't survive without my caffeine, Lyndi. Although I have had to cut myself off by 3:30pm or I won't be able to sleep at night.