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Sunday, February 16, 2020


Lois Winston, the author who delights in dropping dead bodies in my path, is one of the founding members of Liberty States Fiction Writers, a multi-genre organization. On April 4th LSFW will be holding their 11th annual writing conference. This year’s event will take place at the Holiday Inn in Clark, NJ (exit 135 of the NJ Parkway).

The conference will feature a line-up of more than a dozen authors and industry professionals who will share their expertise and experience during a full day of education and networking, offering something for writers at all stages of their careers and whether traditionally published, small press published, indie-published, hybrid, or those seeking to become published. Workshops will focus on craft, business, promotion, and indie-publishing.

Lois will be speaking on “Goal, Motivation & Conflict: The Three Essential Building Blocks of Every Novel, Synopsis, Pitch, & Back Cover Copy.

Keynote speaker Mark Leslie Lefebvre, formerly Director of Author Services and Self-Publishing at Rakuten Kobo and now Director of Business Development for Draft2Digital, will give a two-hour presentation on “More Power, More Options, More Control Over Your Path to Success.”

In addition, there will be editor and agent appointments and a marketplace to meet freelance editors, cover designers, and formatters. A book fair, open to the public, will take place at the end of the day.

Lunch is included in the conference fee, and discounted hotel rooms are available. More information and registration can be found here

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