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Monday, December 4, 2017


(Recipe and photo sources:  pillsbury.com)
Barbara White Daille lives with her husband in the sunny Southwest. Though they love the warm winters and the lizards in their front yard, they haven’t gotten used to the scorpions in the bathroom. Barbara also loves writing, reading, and chocolate. Come to think of it, she enjoys writing about those subjects, too! Learn more about Barbara and her books at her website. 
Hi! I’m happy to be visiting again and am twice as happy that I’m sharing another multiple Favorites post.

First—and no surprise, I’m sure—my favorite hasn’t changed from the last time I dropped in. Yes, I’m still all about the chocolate. :) 

And as the holiday season will soon be upon us, I’m now all about the fave chocolate cookie:  Peanut Blossoms, the cookies topped with a Hershey’s Kiss. Although really, holiday or not, it doesn’t matter. I can eat these little bites of perfection any day of the year. I will admit, though, they do make my holidays a little more festive.

In case you’d like to try the cookies yourselves, here’s a link to the easy-peasy recipe.

Second on my list today is my favorite holiday. Christmas is my number-one, for so many reasons. The family get-togethers, the food, the fun. The movies. The music. And most of all, the spirit of the season.

Now, I know in “real life” our troubles don’t all just magically disappear because we’re celebrating the holiday. But at Christmastime, I think we make a special effort. We focus on the good rather than the bad, the positive rather than the negative.

Maybe it’s just that we’re bombarded by holiday images everywhere we turn, and we choose to think about those uplifting images instead of dwelling on the often darker and depressing news. In any case, I think the combination of our focus and attitude during the holiday season does make our hearts seem lighter and life seem brighter.

It’s probably because I love the holidays so much that I came up with a story idea about a town that celebrates Christmas three hundred and sixty-five days a year. Snowflake Valley is a wonderful place to spend my writing time, especially as I’m doing my best to help my heroines—known as the three “bad-luck Barnett” sisters—find their true loves.

I must say I’ve had the most fun ever writing my new release, a Cinderella vs. Scrooge story about one of these sisters, a single mom who’s madly crushing on her boss!

One Week to Win Her Boss
a Snowflake Valley novel

Single mom Amber Barnett loves family, kids, Christmas…and unfortunately, her boss, confirmed bachelor Michael DeFranco. It's a crush she really needs to get over. Except, when she’s temporarily forced from her apartment, her only option is to stay at Michael’s private ski lodge, where she's the housekeeper. No problem. Her handsome boss rarely visits Snowflake Valley unexpectedly, plus he’s spending the holidays with his family. Or so she thinks…
A stormy Christmas Eve reunion leaves Michael seeking the solitude of his lodge, where he finds Amber in residence—and in trouble. Attempting to save her from her matchmaking family, he announces they’re a couple. His good deed backfires when they’re instantly included in each and every holiday event in town. So much for solitude. 
Only the more time he spends with the beautiful, cheery brunette, the more he yearns to make things real between them. But he and Amber want different things, and Michael could never be the family man she's looking for. 

Buy Links

Note: For a limited time only Snowbound With Mr. Wrong, the first book in the Snowflake Valley series, is available for only .99 cents. 


Barbara White Daille said...

Thanks so much for hosting me today and for sharing about the books in the Snowflake Valley series!

Readers - if you try out the recipe, I hope you enjoy the cookies. :) And I'd love to hear about a fave recipe of your own.

Happy holidays to all!

Angela Adams said...

"Snowflake Valley" -- perfect for this time of year! Happy Holidays, Barbara!!!

Barbara White Daille said...

Thanks so much, Angela. Happy holidays to you and yours, too!

The inhabitants of Snowflake Valley are pretty much in the holiday spirit any time. :)

Kayelle Allen said...

I came for two reasons: Barbara and Chocolate. Not necessarily in that order. ;) lol

B said...

You're too funny, Kayelle. And I know what order I'd choose. lol

Thanks for stopping by!