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Tuesday, January 28, 2020


The Irish Countryside. Close your eyes and imagine the dragons of yore.
Today we sit down for a chat with Amergin from M.L. Foxx’s Celtic Myst Trilogy. 

What was your life like before your author started pulling your strings?
I had a lot of responsibility with the de Dannan clan. It all started thousands of years ago, before the measurement of time.... We lived in Inis Fail, which is Ancient Ireland. Then my author wanted me to tell my story. And so I did, and it took three books to tell all.

What’s the one trait you like most about yourself?
I am Amergin, a druid and I am a descendent of the original wise one that placed the elemental power of the lands in the hands of the Tribe of Danu. I'm a wizard charged with the task of providing wisdom and protection for the descendants of the Tuatha de Danann.

What do you like least about yourself?
My liege does not always take my ideas seriously. Though the Danu come from a long line of faeries, my liege is not one. And so he does not always take me at my word and it can take a lot to convince him. And sometimes I have to lower myself to begging for the good of the clan. I do not enjoy that at all. 

What is the strangest thing your author has had you do or had happen to you?
Well, I created a dragon. That was a challenge I tell you. But I was up to the task and Palriad the Magnificent was able to take on the dark dragon of the witch and come out victorious.

Do you argue with your author? 
Not very often, but yes I did. 

If so, what do you argue about?
I wanted to have a mate going through eternity and she said no. So I am a lonely wizard, but I do have my Aibell Brid and her loved ones to watch over and mentor. 

What is your greatest fear?
That Mourdra (that is the witch) will win and I will have lost that which the Gods and Goddesses tasked me with. The protection of the de Dannan’s. 

What makes you happy?
Watching Aibell Brid and her daughter Derdriu dance and play their fiddles. 

If you could rewrite a part of your story, what would it be? Why?
Because it is a trilogy, it is a continuation of the story. I cannot tell what I would like to change because it would be a spoiler for the end of the first book, and it would also end the story before the completion of prophecy. 

Of the other characters in your book, which one bugs you the most? Why?
The fact that Mourdra can see what the de Dannan’s are doing in her Cauldron. And the clan and villagers have no idea when she is going to attack. 

Of the other characters in your book, which one would you love to trade places with? Why?
Cuchulain Dubhshlàine because he is a warrior and mortal. He does not have to live forever and protect those from evil forces. He protects his loved ones in battle not through spells and magic.

Tell us a little something about your author. 
Author, M.L. Foxx has lived her life in Utah. She loves the mountains. Someday she’d like to move to Ireland, home of her ancestors. She and her hubby love to travel anywhere. As long as they’re together and it’s an adventure. Her favorite places she has visited is Ireland, Scotland, and Tuscany, Italy.

She loves to hear from fans. This is her first jaunt into Fantasy and Sci-Fi. She loves it. It gives her freedom of choice. She also loves to go to the movies and you got it… Watch The Avengers and Dead Pool, among others.

When not writing or traveling, she is hanging out with family.

PS: She also writes under her own name, Mary Martinez.

Where can readers find her website/blog?

Find M.L. at her website where you can find links to her other social media. 

The Cupán of Flúirse 
Celtic Myst Trilogy, Book 1

Forged by the gods, the Cupán of Flúirse is born under the thunder of Taranis, fashioned with symbols of the elements to bring peace and abundance to the clans.

Element of the air, Amergin is a faithful protector and guardian. Through the years, he’s guided the other elements and reigned over times of peace, prosperity, and royal births.

However, the witch Mourdra, is plagued with jealousy over the clans. They hold dear all she desires…and has been denied. The fire dragon and Klenidalf, an evil wizard are tasked to do her bidding, to plunder the clans…and steal the Cupán of Flúirse.

Without the sacred chalice, Amergin is condemned to wander the Earth, those he’s vowed to protect out of his reach.

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Mary said...

Thank you ML Foxx on today.


Happy to have your character join us today, Mary!